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THOUGHT LEADERSHIP: Going Digital on HR and Payroll Management in Ghana

Compliance with Statutory Requirements

Payroll Ghana is a new SaaS Payroll and HR system that aims to revolutionize payroll administration, processing, statutory filings, returns, payslip automation and emailing in real time. 

Efficiently Manages Employee’s Time

It also has Human Resource features including employee biodata, employee self-service, automated attendance, leave request and approvals, assigned task and projects with timelines, and staff training request. 

Centralised Management

The system is designed to be user-friendly and efficient. It provides a centralized platform for managing all payroll and HR-related tasks. With Payroll Ghana, employers can easily manage their employees’ payroll and HR data in real-time. 

Automate Statutory Filings and Returns

The system also automates the process of statutory filings and returns, which saves time and reduces the risk of errors.

Streamlines Employee Management Process

Payroll Ghana’s HR features are designed to streamline the employee management process. The employee biodata feature allows employers to store all employee information in one place. 

Employee Self-Service

The employee self-service feature enables employees to access their personal information, payslips, leave balances, and other relevant information from anywhere at any time. 

Automate Attendance

The automated attendance feature allows employers to track employee attendance in real-time. 

Leave Management

The leave request and approvals feature enable employees to request leave online, which can be approved or rejected by their managers in real-time. 

Track Assigned Tasks and Projects

The assigned task and projects with timelines feature allow managers to assign tasks and projects to employees with specific deadlines. 

Training Management

Finally, the staff training request feature enables employees to request training online.


In conclusion, Payroll Ghana is a comprehensive SaaS Payroll and HR system that offers a wide range of features designed to streamline payroll administration and HR management. Its user-friendly interface makes it easy for employers to manage their employee’s payroll and HR data in real-time while reducing the risk of errors. Its HR features are designed to streamline the employee management process while providing employees with easy access to their personal information.

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